COVID-19 in intensive care. Some necessary steps for health care workers.

A new interesting article has been published in Monaldi Arch Chest Dis. 2020 Mar 25; 90(1). doi: 10.4081/monaldi.2020.1284. and titled:

COVID-19 in intensive care. Some necessary steps for health care workers.

Authors of this article are:

Malhotra N, Gupta N, Ish S, Ish P.

A summary of the article is shown below:

Due to the nature of their profession, health care personnel (HCP) have always been easy targets for transmission of communicable diseases like COVID-19. Shielding HCPs is of consequential significance in ensuring continued health care for the whole population in addition to reducing further spread. Close contact, repeated contact and prolonged contact are unavoidable in the intensive care (IC) environment. It is not uncommon for IC-HCPs to get carried away during an emergent situation, such as that posed by a suddenly deteriorating patient, and forgo the protective barriers that protect them from contracting a communicable infection. Some notable precautionary measures are mentioned below. This is by no means an exhaustive list.

Check out the article’s website on Pubmed for more information:

This article is a good source of information and a good way to become familiar with topics such as: COVID-19; SARS-COV-2; 2019-nCoV; Coronavirus.

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